Healers Horizon Bath Salts // Shippable

Healers Horizon Bath Salts // Shippable


Breathe in the sweet and soothing aroma of crushed berries and cedarwood essential oil. Close your eyes and imagine all the toxins being pulled from your body.

Experience a sense of love and healing as the energy of rose quartz infuses your water. Rose quartz works to ease the guilt, balance emotions, reduce stress, and bring optimistic self-affirmations. It allows one to release negativity and open their heart to the world. It helps one see the value in themselves and their own worthiness of self-love, and in return, allows love from others to gravitate to them. It promotes higher self-esteem and increases self-care rituals.

Created by women-owned Crystal Bar Soap in California.

📦 Shippable! 📦

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